
Website Updates

Added OpenGraph meta tags to improve embedding of webpages.
Updated Updates.html so the updates flow in a sensible manner (newer at the top).
Re-added "Photography" section.
Added photos:
>> 2016
>>>04 photos
>> 2021
>>>01 photo
>> "Sprites"
>>>02 photos

Added "Age of Sigmar Path to Glory" page.
Added narrative Prelude + first battle report placeholder.
Hid "Photography" in Desktop.

Added Work in Progress section to writing index
Added writings:
Fixes to Desktop wrapping on smaller screens

Added image to "Temple of Candles"
Changes to Desktop (homepage) code
Fixes to the "About" page

Website relaunched.
Added "Writing Index" page.
Added "Campfire" page.
Added "Updates" page (obviously).
Added links to socials.
Added writings:
>Chiron (pages 1- 7)
>Temple of Candles
>Where the Giants Came to Die
>The King Wept

This website, and the works herein contained, © 2022 - 2024 by dadhoc are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0